9 thoughts on “13 January, 2012 20:03

  1. hffg says:

    i dont take what they give me it aint gonna do anything

  2. hffg says:

    the mild grown stuff my bad

  3. What kind of drugs are you taking?

  4. hffg says:

    ok don’t talk to me i should of said anything

  5. hffg says:

    i got made because I thought you had something to do with johnson and his work is alot worse then yours but you are saying the same thing

  6. hffg says:

    this is what you where getting off you chest this is what i’m getting off my chest

  7. hffg says:

    this is just gross i turn on the internet and this what i get back

  8. Who the hell is Johnson? And don’t call me a Panda.

  9. hffg says:

    this is johnson’s work and if it’s not johnson’s work he’s just trieing to pander to johnson’s work

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