
War whores

So the South African National Defence Force plans to “invade” Sunrise Beach in Muizenberg on Tuesday night. On Monday night there’s a practice run.

As part of Armed Forces Day – a day proclaimed by that irredeemable naai of an ex-president, Jacob Zuma – tanks and other armoured vehicles will churn up the beach. Jet planes will scream low in the sky. Flares will be dropped over the sea. Heavy artillery, small calibre weapons and rockets will be fired at targets floating offshore.

We need to tell these military motherfuckers to go and play their bang-bang games somewhere else. Or, preferably, not at all. But certainly not on our beaches. Not in our sea. For surfers and others who love the ocean, these places are sacrosanct. These are places of peace, not war.

We need to pitch up on the night with anything that floats and paddle out into the mother of all impact zones. It’s unlikely they will shoot us and they can’t arrest us all. Well, I suppose they can. But there is safety in numbers. And I have a couple of vicious lawyers on speed-dial.

Don’t worry about sharks – they’ll be scared shitless, like all the pets, children and elderly people living in the area.

Anyone with me on this?

6 thoughts on “War whores

  1. Dairmuid Short says:

    Practise for what? Last battle of Muizenberg was in 1795 when the Brits invaded and defeated the Boers without even drawing a deep breath. Something likely to happen again in the next invasion given that all the brand new shiny arms bought in the 1990 arms deal at vast expense are now mostly useless for lack of spares and maintenance.

  2. Kate Kvalsvig says:

    Considering it. What’s the plan? How many on board / boards so far?

    1. Ben Trovato says:

      So far it’s just me. Perhaps I should have offered free beer to the protestors.

  3. Alan Kennedy says:

    If I were living in the area; “Oh, yes! I’m in!”

  4. Bonnita Lynette Hill says:


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