
An Open Letter To Patrice Motsepe

Dear Comrade Patrice,

My father always told me not to beg for anything. Today, he is a very proud man. Living in a cardboard box on the N3, but proud nevertheless. I would rather be rich and ashamed. This is why I am writing to you today.

I have swallowed my pride. It wasn’t easy. I had to wash it down with a dozen beers.

I am, after all, a white man and we are traditionally accustomed to rejecting the hoi polloi with a wave of the hand or a burst of automatic gunfire should a ragged urchin happen to ring the doorbell while the rugby is on.

There is no other way to say this, so here it is. Please, sir, may I have some of your money?

I am emailing you a photograph of me down on my knees kissing a photograph of your shoes. Very nice shoes they are, too. Is that gold plating or were they crafted from Krugerrands melted in furnaces fuelled by the bones of widows and orphans? Just kidding. They are a gift from the guys over at the Mint, right?

You should have the next pair studded with a bunch of Nicky Oppenheimer’s blood diamonds.

Listen to me, giving you fashion advice! You should see my wardrobe. I live inside it in someone else’s bedroom. It’s not too bad. The rent is reasonable and I have a candle for light, heat and cooking. Now who’s laughing, Eskom?

It is unlikely that I would be soliciting so brazenly had I not read a story in the lying, filth-mongering, foreign-controlled media about you donating half the family fortune to the Motsepe Foundation.

My friend Ted said donating money to your own foundation is nothing short of money laundering. I called him a paranoid racist pig and had the neighbourhood watch come around and administer a rectal examination with one of their high voltage cattle prods. He seemed to enjoy it.

Besides, if that’s money laundering, then Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffet are also up to no good. White Anglo-Saxon prostitutes, I beg your pardon, Protestants would never dare do anything to besmirch the puritanical reputation of their pilgrim forefathers.

From what I can gather, your magnanimous gesture is aimed at improving the lives of the poor, disabled, women and the youth.

I don’t suppose it’s enough that I am merely poor. You should know, then, that I am prepared to become a woman if it means getting my snout into your largesse.

Would you insist that I have my giblets chopped off? If not, then I am quite happy to become a woman in other ways. I would wear skirts and panties, wash my hair three times a day, shave my nether regions, check my phone every thirty seconds and behave like a lunatic for five days out of every month.

If that’s not enough, I am prepared to become disabled as well. I don’t mind losing a leg if it means never having to work again. I mean, walk again. It doesn’t have to be a leg. An arm is fine. Just not my right one. I use that for drinking and, well, the other thing. You know. You’re married. Of course you know.

Patrice, if you … may I call you Patrice? It seems as if we already know each other. If you cashed in your chips tomorrow, you could walk away with R24-billion rand.

If I were you, I’d buy Zimbabwe first thing Monday morning. Imagine the fun you could have with your very own country. Come to think of it, you could buy Jacob Zuma for a lot less and still have your own country. This might already have happened.

Over the years, I have been watching you grow richer and richer and I often wondered when the bank would call you and tell you to start getting rid of some of it because they were running out of space.

What prompted this sudden act of generosity? Ted says you must have gone to South America on a business deal when you were kidnapped by shamans and taken to the Temple of the Way of Light deep in the Amazon jungle and made to drink ayahuasca which opened up channels to the spirit world where the Cosmic Serpent told you to share your wealth with those who needed it.

I know this guy in Cape Town who went to Peru and drank a ton of ayahuasca and when he came back he bought me breakfast after a surf at Muizenberg, something he never would have done before.

It’s definitely possible that you were in an altered state of consciousness when you decided to give away half your fortune, and I don’t particularly care whether you reached this state after taking a psychoactive drink or a call from your accountant.

The important thing is that you did it.

Let’s get back to me for a moment. Like John F Kennedy, I, too, have asked not what I can do for my country, but what my country can do for me. Not much, as it turns out.

Oh, sure. My country was very nice to me when it came to guaranteeing me an education, a job and plenty of room to spread out on North Beach in December. But that was then, before democracy came along and ruined everything. I have been outraged for a very long time.

You can’t love anyone unless you love yourself and you can’t help anyone unless you help yourself. And I want to help myself. To your money.

However, I am so far back in the queue that I might as well give you something instead. Advice.

Listen to me. I know what I’m talking about. Your charity will be wasted. A fish rots from the head down.

Rather use your money to stamp out corruption by bribing the government to do its job properly.

Be our Pied Piper leading these rats out of temptation, down the path of righteousness and into the promised land.

We want to fear no evil as we walk down the valley where Dr Death lives when he is not pretending to be a motivational speaker.

We want to lie down in green pastures and smoke them without fear of being arrested.

We want to be comforted by your rod and your staff, but we would rather you lost the rod. And make sure your staff are who they say they are. The Congolese are everywhere these days and they won’t hesitate to watch your car.

Call me. I am so looking forward to my cup running over.

143 thoughts on “An Open Letter To Patrice Motsepe

  1. KaraboJavas says:

    This is what happens when sarcasm flies over many heads…. The original post has a completely different tone from these comments.

  2. Soyisile says:

    Even if this would work but the way people keep asking really gives other impressions. Why don’t you work till you get somewhere?

  3. mbali says:

    JOHANNESBURG – A group of students from the University of Johannesburg are expected to represent South Africa at the Enactus World Cup 2016 in Toronto Canada next month, in a bid to attract international sponsorship for two longstanding stakeholder engagement projects.

    A student team, comprising of 884 members, competed against 21 South African universities and impressed judges at the global NPO’s national competition last week.

    The group was lauded for an urban farming project and a project aimed to create entrepreneurial opportunities for refugees.

    The first project, Izindaba Zokudla (Conversations about Food), advocates specific approaches to urban agricultural development in Johannesburg. It draws on participatory research to build the capacity of farmers’ organisations; to facilitate engagement with food enterprises in the city; and to use design and technology development as a means to improve agricultural practices.

    The project not only markets urban farmers in Soweto but also increases the urban farmer’s opportunities for retail.

    Another focus is the refugee influx into economies.

    The team has designed a business model to secure a sustainable stream of income for foreign nationals in Johannesburg and Pretoria which they believe could curtail xenophobia and may be exploited in other global societies.

    Faculty advisor, Joyce Sibeko, who has been facilitating engagements since 2011, explains the objective behind the business development project.

    “Looting and xenophobia attacks on foreign nationals were some of the reasons for the Enactus UJ team to explore solutions to better the standard of living within our communities. Training on how to run small informal trading outlets were held in Gauteng. The team assisted foreign nationals with business plans that enabled them to generate start-up capital.”

    The group is in the process of raising funds for the trip. It is anticipated that at least 50 students will be part of the entourage.

    Sibeko adds, “Our students need transport money, food to go and do these projects. If they have to build prototypes to solve a problem, they need funding in order to do that. For instance, there were about 25 prototypes that were made and these can be manufactured and create even more jobs within the townships. So when we go to the competition we expose what the students are capable of.”

  4. Benny says:

    Dear mr patrice motsepe

    my name is benny motsepe i am from hammaskraal i have finished my matric last year in im doing nothing i would like u to please help me with an internship or a bursary i want to be an accountant or Tv personality, im realy tired of poverty and will like to be a bread winner and take care of my family because i dont have a father figure its just me and my mother living in a shack and my dream is to build her a proper house so please help make me live my dream
    my contact no:0824395317

  5. Phindile says:

    Nkosi mhlonishwa ngionguphindile ngihlala polokwane ngina32 yrs isifiso sami ukuthi ngibe usomabhizinisi nginendawo enkulu futhi nenkinga yamanzi kodwa iphupho lam alikakashabalali manje ngingasizeka ngifuna izinkukhu, namavegy lapho ngobe sengikwazi ukusiza abanye siqede ububha ezweni lethu ngiyabonga baba my phone is 0720657295

  6. Nqobani zulu says:

    Mr motsepe i am 18 yrs and i like to playing soccer. I spend a lot of time playing football cause i hv an skill ability and am looking help to you. Because my backgroud is real badly and am dreaming of become an south african star player. If you give me an chance to show my skill you will be supprised. My contact details are 0722082261.

  7. Nqobani says:

    Hi mr motsepe am nqobani zulu. I hv an potentialy skill of playing football and am looking your to support in my career because my is poor. I hope that u are person to help too succide in my future.

  8. Prudence says:

    Kgotsong Mr Motsepe

    I’m running a restaurant inside a busy game reserve
    But my challenge its funds to run it and I’m stucked now because if im not running it to their standard they will terminate my contract and I can’t move far away from home because I’m taking care of my mother she’s in a critical condition.pls I realy need assistance I have two kindscin university

  9. Makgabo molele says:

    Dear mr motsepe,my name is makgabo,am asking for u help,i did paramedics and councilling and testing of hiv,n the is shortage of job on that cources,my dream is to b a nurse pity is i cant afford the fees,pls help me with the fees ,i pray n believe that u will take my reguest into consideration

  10. Rubin Tisby says:

    Dear Sir / Madame
    I’m a retired veteran from the United States Army ok, I do receive medical benefits but aren’t I entitled to that? I was Medically Honorably Discharged. I would like to have financial assistance for several reasons better housing, affordable living expenses. Thank you for letting me be honest!

  11. kamoto says:

    Mr motsepe I need your help I’m the founder of red umbrella children’s investment fund we need funds

  12. KG says:

    Hey Mr Motsepe I have 2 boys who love soccer with passion.They eat and sleep soccer. The first one is 12 years and the small one is 8 years Pls Mr Motsepe help them to be involve in Sundowms academy so that their dreas will be fulfied and this will help them to grow positive not to have time to think about drugs and nyaope…You know ka sesotho bare lekojwa lesale Meetsi. My number is 0725309731 im their Mother pls help them.

  13. bonani says:

    hi mr motsepe i want to keep my area nice and out of drugs help people who doesnt work keep them busy can you please assist with anything that can help thanks me email my number 0748645884 in Nkanini cape town thanks

  14. Relotilwe says:

    dear Mir MOTSEPE. I am Relotilwe Adolph mphahlele.20 years old m coming from smaller village around polokwane called makurung.sir we are in need of help.I am a leader of youth does who want to be close to God.sir we are doing this because of we dnt want to see youth drinking beers or smoking drug’ we dnt have church where we can meet in order to share the word of god to together.we where asking for you to bulid for us a church in our village…my contact are 0766614265 be blessed in Jesus name..

  15. Hi sir

    My name is jochua valoi, a mozambican boy whom have been dreaming about studying in South Africa from 2007, in 2014 I made it a really vision. I came to south Africa from grade 10 then I continued here following a huge interview in grade 11, in 2015 I was doing grade 12, however back in 2014 I won a certificate of appreciation and a silver medal over rhino poaching debate held on 24 september 2014 in HLUVUKANI. I passed with a bachelor’s degree earlier this year and I registered in TSWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, MBOMBELA CAMPUS, with funding it was a problem since i had to travel to my country for scholarship but MOZAMBIQUE didn’t appreciate what I’ve done in South Africa, a south African sponsor decided to pay for my studies. The problem is the accommodation I am suffering, my parents are jobless in Mozambique, I’ve been pleading in people’s house to live there as long they give me food and I clean their yard.
    Now I don’t know what to do, would you help me, I don’t want to drop out the latest school. I know where I am going. My account number only have R1.40 left , I don’t know where to live, food is a problem. Please help me
    My contact:0719793189
    My account:202076865
    Standard Bank

  16. adelaide libuseng makhetha says:

    hi Dr motsepe im the operator of a small business called Lukis’ cash loans, this business i started it with little cash that was given to me by my parrents in the year 2010 and have registered it but it still need funds please help.

  17. mukondeleli says:

    hello Dr motsepe a young girl from Limpopo our skul we are in need of a little bit of donation for our netball team pls help us send me your response on the following email thank u

  18. im sorry my contact is 0731764841

  19. evening sir. im a student at Dut and im i need of financial assistance sir please can you help. actually im a firs year student who is from a very poor background. And i have only my mom who struggled to find money for me to register at Dut but not she cant afford to pay for the entire course. please help me sir please. i have tried to apply for bursaries and nsfas but they are not responding i hope to you i can find solution to my problem please sir i need help urgently. God bless you for reading my massage.

  20. Maupa says:

    Hi ‘ my name is maupa stephen i live at polokwane .i want to start animpire business but have money and i tried all by means i dint find solution so hounerable mr motsepe im asking money to start busine and buy franchise


    Dear: Mr motsepe

    I am student at University of Venda. I have financial problem to pay accommodation fee ( R500 per month). Please help me.


    My T.J Mokwena

    Contact: 0763040014

  22. sharon Malinga says:

    I need of financial assistance i have to pay for my studies fees before they block me please can you hock me with business person who can help me please

  23. MOLATELO says:

    Mr motsepe.I am very negative to write this.Mr Motsepe I would like to inform you that presently writing I am in University of Venda and I am struggling about financial aid.Enen though I do not know whether next month I will receive money from my father or not,because he live by means of piece job.Now I am a squatter at the campus and I do not pay rent due to my problems but my landlord is about to sell his room.I went to NSFAS office they said is close,I tried other bursary that offers I do not qualify because I do DEVELOPMENT STUDIES they do not offer it.I applied MOTSEPE FOUNDATION BURSARY and I never get reply.I really do not know how can you help me.But I really believe in you.I HOPE AND BELIEVE THAT YOU WILL ACCEPT MY REQUEST.I look forward to you reply as soon as you can. Because next month I will be disparate.My contact [072 938 4495].

  24. Glenda says:

    My name is Glenda & I would love to join your team.

  25. Owethu says:

    Mr motsepe
    its me Owethu Mjojeli.
    kunomngani wam okuthwa ngu Avela Khumalo, ngokuzthoba nangentlonipho bendicala unikeze uAvela Khumalo ithuba lokudla kwi team yakho( sundawns)
    ndiyakuthembisa angeke uphoxeke, his a good player and ne experience unayo,kudala waydlala ibhola.

    ntonje, into endiybonayo nangendlela athetha ngayo uphela amathemba coz kudala ezama bemdlela umona.

    so ndiyacela sir umfake.
    nathi apha elusikisiki sizobanomntu owaziwayo.


  26. Manqoba Mduduzi says:

    Mr Patrice Motsepe i’m writting these coment hoping i’ll get someone to assist me in these problem i have. I’m young man whos name is Manqoba Maphumulo ,and i’m also 24 years old. At last i’ve manage to find a space to study at unisa a diploma in Saftey management bt now i dont have money to regester these course, R 3 395 and the due date for me register is the 30 these months. I’ve tried NSfas and they sad to me it closed. Please sir Motsepe if they is a way to help me please do,and i promice wont let you down and dun with my study i promice you that with what i’ll be having i’ll help other peoples that sinking for cell number 071 066 9986

  27. Tshegofatso elvis says:

    Hi Mr motsepe my name is tshegofatso elvis Rangwaga a 21 year old at north west am in need of any help I can get I matriculated 2013 now am just sitting doing nothing am living with a single mother of five who’s unemployed we really struggling my matric results are level 5 in history 4 in LO 4 IN SETSWANA 4 IN ENGLISH 4 IN MATHEMETICAL LITERACY 2 IN LIFE SCIENCE 2 IN GEOGRAPHY

  28. Themba Mgangane says:

    Dear Mr Motsepe God bless you for reading this massage.Because i trust God in all ways i know you would help me Amen.Sir am father of 3 children and am not working.I want to give them the best in staying in Vaal Sebokeng.I want to build 20 houses and rent them to people that would be Motsepe Village.If i charge R3000 per house that would be 60 000 per month.I will pay the money Sir within 5 years every months.If you cant do that Sir akunamathatha you can give me job Sir uThixo abenawe Tatu Mtsepe kea leboa.Themba Mgangane 0736372058:(

  29. bajabulile Nelia Sibiya says:

    Mr.motsepe I HV applied in university of NW n they answered me on 25 Nov so nw I need a bursary and i don’t know where to get your application form please help me my number is 073 918 9150

  30. Lyllian says:

    Good day sir’ my name is Lylian,and I completed m diploma in occupational health and safety. Please help me to get a chance to do practicals,because I don’t have any experience currently. I don’t need any money,BUT I just need a place to do safety practically. Because I know you do own the mines. My number is 0785668794 thank you sir.

  31. nontembeko says:

    Good afternoon mr motsepe.. i humble beg. Yourgoodselves to sponsor the writer for my new company as I m planning to. Retire in five years to come. Yours faithful. Nontembeko tokwana.

  32. nolubabalo says:

    I’m Pikoli Nolubabalo from Port Elizabeth. got health problems I’m 25years old. ANXIETY DISORDERS has shuttered my dreams. The doctors are suspecting depression now. I’ve got 2 kids a 6year old girl and a 5month year old boy. My mom is pensioner, she’s 66years she can’t pay for my medication anymore. The public hospital are taking too long to attend my situation I’m attending sessions with the psychologist it’s not helping. I’m scared of dying this is torturing me I beg you sir.

  33. Bontle says:

    Dear Mr Motsepe

    Please allow me to implore you in assisting my son (who is also a Motsepe) in securing space in your club for the under 17 players. He is very talented but he is exposed to social problems affecting youth in South Africa. I have had to send him to a boarding school hoping to make him stay far away from the current environment until we as a family moves to a better place. He gives his all when he plays soccer and I am sure he will be an asset to your club. Please consider my request favourably and help me save this young Motsepe soul

  34. Ciata says:

    Good day,I was having financial problem,I searched online recently looking for a loan,That’s how I met Mrs Christian Razark a private lender who approved a loan of $53,000:00 in less than 24hrs for me,contact her via
    Thank you

  35. Malotlhe says:

    Dear.sir motsepe.i ‘m a person like show in our country we desabled people we can dreams is to open big poultry for eggs and meat chickens in mpumalanga.and improving the life of people in our country.and great job in south Africa.and joints to support the big shops and the hospitals.and small shops.and out side country if we can.i have big farm is next the peoples yard.because low of government said is problem to open big business next the i fined a big farm and quotation.6to7 hectares. Plus bore water hole need also steel fencing around.i already have big shops need many egge shops like macro and small shops.and a big company need my support.they need 2500000 is supplying.that company it supply the whole country.they said if i managed to open my business.they said the can assist me for people traning.and medication for chickens and sand people to help our problem is financial because my plan is build 4 big structure inside fitted by automatic feeder and drinkers and eggs machines.i know company build the poultry by structure and fitted all machine.the structure i need 50mx100 four power pump for water and big for eggs
    and i like to make self egg try i need machine.and machine to make our broiler.i need five truck to transports ours staff.
    Enterprise na makgatlhes trading
    Enterprise type private company.Enterprise status in is not open because i still need financial cell number 0784375571

  36. ngingimphathi wenkonzo yabapostoli estanger[overseer] ngaphansi kwe THE WORLD OLD APOSTOLIC CHURCH OF AFRICA,inkonzo iyasihambisa kakhulu cishe ama province onke,sicela usizo lwento yokuhamba abaholi bethu bayisithupha.imoto ifaka 8 wabantu,singajabula mhlonishwa.

    ngomhlaka 30/08/2015[capetown]
    27/08/2015[eastern cape]

    sicelela bona ngoba abasebenzi

    mhlonishwa ngyabonga.

    my number 0789036833

  37. Joshua says:

    I’m asking assistance on behalf of my church situated in Middelburg mp we desperately need instruments for our church we are not able to save money as most of the congregation is unemployed.God bless

  38. khokhi conny mashaba says:

    Ntate Motsepe
    Ke kgopela o mpatelele sekoloto saka nna ke patele wene kenna kl mashaba # 0744757180 e mail conny .mashaba

  39. Hopane Dipuo says:

    Helo Mr Motsebe.
    I need a bursary am a first year student at tut and am doing language practice.

  40. jan malota says:

    Ntate motsepe kenna yan malota mosotho kedula nageng ya belfast kekopa thuso ka txelete ke hudise bana baka kea bereka empe txelete ye ke humanago ayentsoetse pelo kabo phelo kea kgopela ke kgota mme kama ngoele fase kenale dijaga txe mashome amabedi le nne 24yrz kekopa txelete goena gobane kea hloka bophelong baka kebatla ho lukisa di phone le di computer hle mhlomphehi kea kopa nthuse hle kea horapela mhlomphehi.di nomoro 0711199658 kealeboga.

  41. summernta says:

    hi mr motsepe ia summernta mokoena from daveyton and seeking for your help can u plz help me n my kids to have a place to stay plz plz my number is 0632858473 plz can you help me

  42. Nomnotho Ndlovu says:

    Dear Mr. Motsepe am young woman looking after my siblings,my sister has a cancer I have been taking her to Doctors but they are not helping she was put on waiting list for treatment but a disease is eating up on her.I also have a younger brother whom I convinced to go University with a hope that he would get NSFAS but he didnt am so stressed Mr Motsepe how will I pay for his studies.We tried to apply for bursaries but no luck. Bab’ uMotsepe am asking for a loan to pay for brother’s studies and finding help for my sister with cancer. thank you May God continue to bless you

  43. N.Qasha says:

    Hi Mr Motsepe, we are asking for donations of computers and play grounds for a high school at Kokstad Shayamoya area. Our learners are very good in sport but there are no grounds since its a new school thank you. My contact details are 073 805 3395


    Hi president Mr Motsepe!!This is PERCYS AUDIO VISUAL (PTY)LTD, Is a new & small registered company. I’ve got some few equipment to start my business. But the only thing that I request from you Mr Motsepe is if you can buy me a small second-end van vehicle I’ll appreciate it very much. I really,really stuck. Please,please,please!!!!!!! Thanks

  45. JAFTA MONYELA says:

    Dear Father Mr Motsepe

    I’d like to salute u!
    My name is JAFTA MONYELA I’m 23yrs and I live with both my parents mum and dad. And we are family of 6(six),one brother,two young brother’s and two little sister’s. We are dying of starvation,my parents lost everything they have,the cars and the businesses. I passed my matric in 2012 obtaining Diploma but both my parents are lake of financial support to take me to school in order to further my studies. As I was at school I used to say this ‘I want to be like UTATA MOTSEPE because he owns a big team and I also love playing soccer I will own mine one day he is my role model’. Now we’ve left alone at home not knowing where our parents they are. I tryd to look for a job with my Matric certificate but got nothing to survive. We beg u Mr Motsepe in the name of God,will you please assist us financially in the name of peace.

    May almighty be with you and your family be covered with blood of Jesus Christ also your businesses.

    From Limpopo,Tzaneen contact details 0738649759

  46. Mr motsepe my name is Keamogetswe from Alexandra am 18 years of age am opening a new football team and I don’t have money for the equipment and soccer clothes I have 12 boyllls and they really want to play soccer so I was asking if you could sponsor us with some soccer boots and a kit

  47. Keamogetswe makgoba says:

    Mr motsepe my name is Keamogetswe from Alexandra am opening a new football team and I don’t have money for the equipment and soccer clothes I have 12 boys and they really want to play soccer so I was asking if you could sponsor us with some soccer boots and a kit

  48. ERENS says:

    im need help Im just young man hu have matric I need to be something in life

  49. Gcinumundeni says:

    My name is Gcinumundeni Mncube from Madadeni in K.Z.N I like to stage soccer tournament in my location as the crime is getting out of hand, I like to ask for your help to full fill the dream of cut crime in our country by bringing this young boys and girls together Sir.

    Please assist me with the prices for the winners on bouth boys and email address is

    Your involvement will be appreciated

  50. njabulo says:

    hi am looking for help.since I was born I had not been realizing that my nose is big.I started to notice when learners bullied me at school,and that lowered my self esteem and self confidence.currently am studying at university but I can’t focus utterly,because students despise me,calling me with naughty names.above all am studying teaching career,which needs us to have presentations all the time,so am afraid to stand before people and we sometimes go to schools for observation, the learners laugh at I need some rihnoplasty to retain my confidence n make my dream come true ,but am financial constraint.I would very much glad for financial help to do nose job . THANK YOU

    1. njabulo says:

      my number 0720507048 if mr motsepe can help me getting ,rihnoplasty

  51. i would like to work next to you mr motsepe .enen if im not qualified but im willing to to take risk in life and fulfil my dreams i dont have nothing to start but even if u can give me an advice i wil be happy

  52. mlungisi says:

    dear sir
    iwant your help ive got grd 10 bt ihave certificate of welding arc&gas welding bt can u assist me to go at training center to complete dis course /.bt k can u help me toget awork becouse sometimes i sleeping withouth food bt plz help me. 0711572548

    thank you


    keep on doing the good work course some of us have big dreams and we don’t know were to start but the mind and heart is the want to see the dream and always the to help us and mentoring.

  54. Hi mr motsepe pls helpa poor im bongani mabunda from phalaborwa i have matric i want to study nursing but i dnt have even a cent to start anythng i want to study nursing at nursing schools please help me i wl thank u so much

  55. Dear:Mr Motsepe

    Here we write this letter to ask you for a sponser,we have a team here in Free state,Welkom,Bronville so we need 20 corns small,and big 10,balls and team colour, so if you can help us can you please call us on this number 0780544043
    Thank you
    Rampai Thokozane

  56. Sibusiso says:

    Hi Mr Mutsipe im Sibusiso Nobela from phalaborwa,i m look forward to become something in life but my parents a not having an enough money to pay for my studies,so i require you to help me Mr Motsipe. I want to study water purify-because many people die by water that are not me on 0725802875/email me on will always thank you MR Motsepe

  57. Sibusiso says:

    Hi im Sibusiso Nobela im look for busary, my parents are not geting an enough to pay for my studies,i need from who like to help me,im the first one in family to reach grade 12,i want to study water purify -because many die by water are not can call me at 0725802875/emai me on ………God may help south africa

  58. KELETSO says:


  59. matome says:

    Dear patrice motsepe. Am 19 year old boy who live in limpopo. I finished matrix this year january and I wanted to futher ma studies but I dnt hv money to pay the motsepe u are the 1 who can help me because I know that u won’t like seeing child staying at wail his/her friends are going 2 school please cal me at 0739987562

    1. KELETSO says:


  60. mpanza Bongani S says:

    baba sisize sishoda ngeMeterial. singama Rhino Ambassadors eNdumo.

  61. Sibusiso says:

    Dear Mr patrice motsepe im one of the first years students at vaal university of technology 2015.I tried to apply for motsepe foundation bursary but i found no responce.So I am hereby asking for finacial assistance because I am unable to further my studies due to finacial difficulties.Im from a very poor background.Should you wish to get all my details tell me via email….Thanks

    1. Caita says:

      Good day,I was having financial problem,I searched online recently looking for a loan,That’s how I met Mrs Christian Razark a private lender who approved a loan of $53,000:00 in less than 24hrs for me,contact her via
      Thank you

  62. Zanele Msimango says:

    Good morning mr Motsepe
    I am a 21year old woman, live in Delmas Mpumalanga. I was studying at Afda lastyear doing a higher certificate course, I could not get my results because my fees are not yet paid and I really wish to go back to finish my degree… The closing date for enrollment of a degree is this week friday, can you please assist me

  63. madala derick says:

    Dear Mr Patrice motsepe

    Im looking for a job but I never fin, pplease Mr Motsepe im seeking help about job i have NQF level 02 and skills in more things i need help please with bue respect
    Im looking forward to see help form you Mr motsepe

  64. mbuso says:

    Hahahahah the comments on this page a hilarious! Dear Patrice I’m poor too please give me R50 000. Why is everyone writing to Patrice on this page? Did you all figure he surfs the net and would see your messages in here?

    1. Mbuso, I don’t understand it either. In fact, I’m writing something about this in my column on Sunday. One thing I do know, I won’t make the mistake of writing to Patrice again!

  65. Gavin Bertie Africa says:

    Dear Mr Mosepe I’m a man in need of be in controle of my own destiny. You see sir I’m working at the moment for a franchise of coin in George and we all are about to lose our jobs because of the merging between Coin and Fidelity which leaves the franchises employees without jobs. The new owner a jong lady. which have took over from her father try het best to accommodate us but without enough resources and the right advise the company will be finished within the next two to three years if not less.This is where you sir come into the equation. You see me and one of my colleagues have seen the opportunity to help ourselves, other colleagues and the new young and optimistic owner as well as promoting BEE within the company which were never the case in the past with her father still incharged. So here is the story she still have a few clients left as well as the premises but still needed at least two armoured vehicles to provide a professional service to our clients. This was the main reason we’ve lost a lot of our loyal clients.She’s also optimistic that we can operate our own cashcentre but once again have the building and vault but what I believe still gonna need computers. Sir I want to close my letter to you by saying that I respect you as one of our country ‘s most vibrant and successful business man and truly hope that you don’t see this as someone looking for a handout I’m actually a very proud man who just trying to open another door where another have been shut closed for me and my colleagues. Your ‘s sincerely Gavin Africa. Contact No:0736534237

  66. Sibongile says:

    Good day
    I would like to thank you about the thing that you told me to do however those people from bankmed the still waiting for the insurance free I’m sorry I don’t have cash pay them thanks thanks

    Kindly regard
    Sibongile Shoke

  67. S'luleko Mkhize says:

    Dear Mr patrice Motsepe, philantropist, humanitarian and freeman of our country. Your praises no one can exhaust. I am a current student at wits (your Almer Mater) doing Bsc Biological sciences. I am enrolled in my second year of study and my performance is still of a kind that pleases an intellectual giant like you. In my matric I scored 6 distinctions but unfortunately I don’t have funding to furthure my studies. My fees are still outstanding as of last year. A cup of coffee would be enough to push a fatherly converse I beg.

    1. Ciata says:

      Good day,I was having financial problem,I searched online recently looking for a loan,That’s how I met Mrs Christian Razark a private lender who approved a loan of $53,000:00 in less than 24hrs for me,contact her via
      Thank you

  68. Prince says:

    Please call me on 0606248855

  69. Nhlakanipho,Brain kwela says:

    good evening sir,my name is Nhlakanipho Brain Kwela,i have studied paramedic,in netcare college,but now i have financial problems inorder to continue with my another course,so i was wondering sir if you could help me with R40 000 i will be so much happier thank you,contact no.0839793224 godbless you and your family take care.

    1. Ciata says:

      Good day,I was having financial problem,I searched online recently looking for a loan,That’s how I met Mrs Christian Razark a private lender who approved a loan of $53,000:00 in less than 24hrs for me,contact her via
      Thank you

  70. Thabile Qina says:

    Hi Mr Motsepe my name is Thabile Qina I am originated at Lusikisiki Eastern cape bt curently now I am at Leydenburg Mpumalanga. I have completed my grade12 on 2011 with a deploma but i could’t continue with my studies becouse of the money.I am still interested to compete and achieve my goal bt i am struggling with money so i am asking the support with the financial asistance.I would be so much greatful if my application can be considerd.Here it’s my fone no. 0783985870:

  71. lesego says:

    Mr Motsepe I also would like to thank you for everything you have done to this country.I also like you to help us as employing in blackrock……Can you please give us soMething that can makes us happy

  72. Nozipho says:

    I need a busary

    Plz help me

  73. Nozipho says:

    Hi am Nozipho I want to ask do u fund university like UNISA

  74. Elva says:

    I need help,am a single mother of 2,my contract expired I was working at urology hospital as a cleaner,my daughter she is in Berea park private school,I owe her school fees,help me to pay so that I can get her Report,thnks

  75. Elva says:

    Please I need your help,call me at 074 635 8495

  76. Celani Simelane says:

    Hi Mr Motsipe I am a 19 year old boy from Swaziland currently admitted for my year 1 in BSC.My passion is to be a mining engeener but I have no one to pay for my university fees I want to go to UP

  77. Pat says:

    We bless God for wonderful you are doing. My name is Pat Libu Sithubi, I am currently teaching as assisting in schools and gathering learners after school and teach them, I completed my academic year in 2012, were I got a bachelors degree, I was doing the following subjects. English 58%, mathematics 64%, Physics 64%, life sciences 65%, Siswati Hm 75%, Lo 81%, agricultural sciences 80%. I applied at university of pretoria for Bed and I am accepted and my student no is 14254663 , I was asking for financial assistant because on the 17th January 2015 is registration day and I will be glad if I will kindly helped. My cell number is 0725105416 and my Identity no is 9411166041087, I am from hazyview ,Pobox 2073 hazyview 1242 .

  78. Precious says:

    Im a young intellegent mo ther with matric. I usually work
    as a domestic work. But for the past months i have been able to get a job. I ask for Help to Mr P Motsipe or anyone who can assit me with 5000 rand. i can oay it back by working for that person. I live in Tembisa. please contact me if you have anything that can help. Im in debts. i can sleep at night. Thank u 0842563035

  79. yonela says:

    Morning Mr Motsepe its Yonela Hlanganise here am a
    24 year old lady whose ruining an registerd NGO
    known as Kopanang maAfrica home base care at
    gauteng westrand in fochville we have been on this
    NGO since from 2012 our NGO its about a YOUTH
    centre and a child minders looking after abused childrens and the famirlys that has nothing for their
    livings am give childrens what they need we also
    doing sports soccer and netball with an assist of a
    fomer soccer player who used to be a soccer wits
    player and other teams he also did a coaching course
    level D… as we are the NGO members we are looking forward to help the community and those young
    innocent lives who needs our help but as we are the
    organisation we need your help so we can help
    those small childrens to get a better life so they can
    be somebody better 1 day..i strongly believe that true
    fulfillment in life happens when that little stomach is always full,sicknesses healed and opportunities that
    will improve the quality of our peoples lives created.I
    am happy when ordinary people ,who once relied on
    government grants,are creating their own destiny
    thus becoming the clients of the target
    group are children living and working on the street ,the little angels (children) and the young
    people.Children living on the streets need our love
    and care,They are not on the street because of their
    own choices.According to my observation,the
    following are directly linked to this sad phenomenon:
    Povery,Abuse,Overcrowded families.Pertaining to my little angels,early childhood development should be
    strongly emphasize and supported by the state and
    relevent stakeholders.Young people are the future of
    every nation.the state with NGO’s must create
    training,jobs and bisiness opportunities thats what
    we willing to do. Sorry for writing here i dont know where else i can get hold of you please forgive
    me please contact me at 0839923043

  80. paulina says:

    dumela ntate motsepe, I honour u with what u doing in our country, my name is paulina I realy asking for ur help pls im not taking advantage or anything, im seeking for ur help im staying at ennerdale with my husband we under a lot of debt, my husband is not working its been 5yrs now im strugling we renting a house in ennerdale and we struggling with the rent money,i dont want to see my kids on the street pls help me ntate i have 2 kids one is 17 the last one is 2yrs im working at lewis and I dont get much salary when I get paid its like I didnt get paid, I cant even buy food in the house or clothes for my kids coz i left with nothing in my bank account, my child is going to school with no lunchmoney, im struggling my husband is looking for job its been yrs we sending cvs and gets promisis but nothing happened, we applied for the house we still waiting if u can help us with the house or help my husband to get the job, pls ntate im beging im down with my knees asking for ur help I dont know what to do sometimes I even think to quit this job coz im working but no progress im my life, whats killing me my child wrote a letter she said she wish die than living this life, iv try to speak to her, pls ntate help me with anything u can help me with its fine, my number is 0783406908 my husband is 0710492059

  81. ATAM says:


  82. Kamogelo says:

    I had a dream two days ago 09/10/14 I was celebrating with Mr Motsepe looking at you thinkinfg that my problems will end, but I am sorry to say that I don’t have Matric becouse I am dyslexia,I was diagnosed 5 years ago,and was told that I am Dyslexic.I am 25 years old, I am in the UK to find a job becouse I didn’t have Matric to find work at home, I am trapped here in UK…. I’m very good with learning practical thing, but have no confident as I noticed that I am not given a chance to proof myself. I support my country SA.I am asking you to help me in anyway possible,so I can be able to reach my dreams or fullfill my hopes.

  83. Dimpho says:

    Hi, my name is dimpho Radebe and im currently unemployed.I’ve been trying so hard to score a job but people keep turning me down. I have matric and im a self-motivated person who loves interacting with people. Please help me out with a job and i promise il make it worth your while. Please contact me on 0729207248

  84. johny says:

    Dear sir
    Mr motsepe my name is johny mathapo and I stay at hebron close to kgabalatsane .I have been working as absent relief for 4 years and I have tried to make my come true but its not easy (MY DREAM OF BUILDING ONE OF THE BEST RESORT AROUND HEBRON OR SOSHANGHVE ) I tried to apply for a found in the goverment but my application failed.sir I come before you asking for help pls help me to make my dream come true pls.i’m hoping and dreaming to great jobs in South Africa to change the life of kids who are suffering like me ,kids who doing drugs pls sir ur my last hope pls from johny a 30 year old boy who believe in improving the life of black south African .

  85. Nolizwi Sinxutu says:

    Dear Mr Motsepe,iam a21 year girl staying with my parents and my three brothers and 2 sisters in a place called Franschhoek Western Cape province.Iam looking for someone who can help me i need money for my family as we are now running through hard times.We sometimes sleep without having anything to eat as my father is the only person working at home.We also under local debts and people want their money and the want to take our shack house and now iam scared if they really did that we won’t have any place to stay.I think R10 000 will be enough that my estimation,this is really working in my nerves i can’t be confident and i always want to be alone because of this.I would really appreciate your offer as it will make difference.Thanks my number is 0739137874 or my email address is!!!

  86. Nonzuzo says:

    Hi man may u pls deposit R70,000 for ma debts pls ,I have no where to go pls help

  87. I would also like to find some help from Dr Motsepe. Please contact me

  88. Unathi says:

    My name is unathi poro am a coach of young pirates juniors from U/12, U/14 & U/16 . As one of the team that under the khayelitsha asosaition we plan to host the youth tournament during september holiday, we wish that you could assists us during this tournament

  89. frans says:

    kgotso Ntate motsebe ne re kopa thuso ra utlwa ntante o thusa batho joale rona ba metsaneng e meyane ntho tsena di holelerona joale ne re kopa thuso joalo ka kereke thuso ya tjhelete yaho thusa bana ba sekolo sa matlwangtlwang steynsrus free state bana bao re hlokang ho bathusa ba 100 hobarekela diaparo tsa sekolo re lakatsa ho tlisa tsepo bophelong babana bao leha rona resena mohao o motle wa kereke but rekoprla bana pele rona ha sanataba ka rona ntate motsepe ke Bishop Radebe matlwangtwang steynsrus re lebohile ntste motsepe my phone no is 0731635224 and accunte ya kereke ke fnb 62243169093 khotso

  90. Desmond says:

    I’m young man i’m from durban at umlazi,i want to open a small business can you help me with funding or capital to start a business in my area,i wuld open a job to those who are unemployed like me

  91. tswarelo marvin modau says:

    Dear mr motsepe I am a 14 year old boy and I play soccer the only problem which I have is that the soccer team which I play for doesn’t have a sponser so I was thinking that maybe you would be able to help that way you will also find some future players for sundowns.please mr motsepe phone number is 0795723108

  92. Elias.M. Mokoena says:

    I’m widower & orphan Father of 4 kids(3 girls & 1 boy ) & looking after 2 my young Brother.My Parents & my DeadWife they have never stay underneath the House build by Bricks.My plan & wish is to gave my family a better life & good house.I got the Poor&bad situation RDP & have spend so much money to make it better by boring money from bank.

    Now I need to pay back bank loan.can you assist/help me by money. If possible you can borrow me money just to make a first better house in my life for my kids. I’m poorman but I’m rich in loving my kids. I work but more of my salary goes to Bank loan.
    I’m begging you


  93. Hy Mr Motsepe i would like to thank God for giving us a great person like yu, yu’ve dome an awesome work in our country and we appreciate dat so now im 1 one of a person in South Africa who is looking your help m in debts but not in a bad maner because i took a loan to develop my family so i need your my numbe is 0737635903

  94. thabo says:

    i wont waste time ,i want to be a millionaire and ive have a greet plan .investing in the money market for only a year ,i need you to lend me 10 million then i return 12 million in a year and il keep 3 million ,but this money wont be handed to me but the bank and i wont be able to touch it because it will all be in your name ,gimme a email and il tell you ,email me : ( if you help me il be a millionaire in just a year )

  95. Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus. we as josh 158 were a small christian movie production. we are dedicating ourselves to produce movies that will educate, edify and open the eyes of children of God. we have drama department and we also have talk show and christian modelling; in this we are educating children of God how to dress. we have a contract with one of the TV station here in South Africa , 62 countries around the world will be watching this television by satellite.we also feed the people who are in need with the little we have.
    now we find ourselves in difficulties to continue because of finances.
    that why we come to you ask for help it can be materially or financially.
    once we have your e mail address we will send you our profile for you to see what we are doing, as our website is still in construction.
    Pastor Joshua Tila

    1. says:

      Does Patrice Motsepe ever reply?

      Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone.

      1. Patrice never replies. What I get, though, are emails from unemployed people asking Patrice for a job. They seem to be under the impression that either I am Patrice, or we know one another really well.

        1. says:

          Yes people in his calibre won’t reply.
          Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone.

  96. Mfundokazi hermans says:

    Good afternoon my name is mfundokazi herman under New moria church in Zion.I would like to ask you if you can please sponsore my church as we want to build we are using a shark and we dont have toilets and our kids had to go out side the church to go ask for toilet and its not safe for them because there cars are running are round, we did ask our municipality but we dont have luck and we also did e-mail the motsepe they said we must go to their website so that we can fill in a form and attach our business plan but we cant find that form now we want to ask if you can send us that form via post to New moria Church in Zion 14 Msobomvu STreet P.o.lingelihle.cradock.5881. If you need more info you can e-mail me on,or call me on 0842388388, We hopping that our request will reach thank you

  97. mmeli says:

    mr motepe im happy to talk to you im in the age of 33years old but im coming with something different, I wanna be rich like you but okuthusayo I’ve got nothing at the moment but my plan ukuba ne cash loan ngithole nokuthenga ama sheres in one of your company’s or ungibonise athengwa kanjani as ngishilo ngathi angidingi imali yakho nawe uzenzele yona nabantwana bakho,nami ngelinye ilanganga ngiyoyenza eyami ngohlupha umqondo ngize ngiyithole but ngicela into eyi one kuwena b4 ngife emhlabeni it to have a drink nawe cup of coffee but I pronise I will pay for it but leyonto soyenza makuphele inyanga kuphela senze sure ngiya afford please say yes

  98. malesela frans moshidi says:

    hi mr Patrice Motsepe can you please help me with opening skin care and cleaning chemicals in number 0785449624

  99. Clover Pembanyali says:

    Dear sir, can you please help with a to pay for my son to go to AFDA, in Braamfontein. he has been accepted,but due to the fact that both my husbandand I have now no jobs,we cannot make a plan. He has been at home now this will be two years. He would love to study there as they have accepted him. please help, i know that he wont disappoint you sir.

    1. Thabiso lesia says:

      Dumela ntate motsepe,nna nne ke ikopela mosebetsi fela o mong le o mong fela monghadi ya hlomphehang ka kopa

  100. mpho says:

    I would like an assistance of bursary loan to further my studies,I am in level 3 and I’m about to finish to finish in level 4 please may this open letter help me to fulfill my dream

    Thank you

  101. fiso mkandla says:

    Dear Mr Motsepe,I’m writting to you asking for a donation to build a clinic in my country,our community is so poor,the population is high and mostly elderly people and H.I.V & aids orphans.

    Was planning to build a clinic with a 10 tray mortuary or even 6 will do,right people are being buried the very same day of their deaths or the following due to the fear of decomposing.

    Please help out on this critical and touching situation.

    Thank you in advance.

  102. Adele Desai says:

    Dear Patrice Motsepe,
    I worked with you for many years when I was still at JCI, you were then in our building and still worked for Angus Gilfillan Attorneys. I am looking for another employment. I am currently still working but hope to find another job soon.

  103. Sesethu mazangazanga says:

    Sir patrice i am desparately inneed of a bursary that will fund my studies toward civil engineering ,i live in a very disadvantaged background ,spend 3 to 4 days with empty stomach ,i passed my matric with five distinctions

  104. Olivia Pitso says:

    Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year filled with Joy,Peace,Good health,Wealth and Hapiness.May God continue to bless u and ur lovely family.Olivia Pitso and Family 0764241211

  105. tlhologelo maome says:

    thobela mr a 19 year old developed soccer player from burgersfort in driekop village&i wud like to turn pro .i believe that with your support i can win.hearing from you will b much appreciated.0719941355

  106. Olivia Pitso says:

    Dear Mr.Motsepe u are my role model and I really admire u and your beautiful family.I have a Pre-school/daycare centre and also try to help the underpreviliged kids.Sometimes it is difficult,but I can’t let the kids roam around the streets.It’s not safe,because kids gets raped and intro to drugs.I teach them to reach for the moon,bt if they must grab a star.My creche’s name is Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars Pretoria.My contact details 0764241211,pls help me to help others.God bless U and ur Fam.

  107. j
    Am gtnq dr thnx 2 de LORD

  108. The from of khutso day care centre, I want donation educational toys,matersses,painted,chair,table,and gate any found accept . thank very much I wish me one of the win.

  109. Busi mdzibha says:

    Hi Mr Motsepe am Busi from a family of 8 excluding me am realy in need for a busary so i can make my dreams come true, am a passiont person and very dedicated with everything i do. Please help me financialy with a busary. Keep up the good work you doing for others god bless u, thank you. My e-mail is

  110. kelebogile says:

    hy mr motsepe i realy want your help,i want to be a model so can u please help me

  111. Calvin says:

    To: Ben Trovato

    I’ve read So many pages you wrote,I’m touched because I’m also a Poor boy who Matriculated last year in 2012.
    Since My family is Poor they couldn’t afford to pay for my studies this year 2014,I stayed Home the whole seeking a Job/work but unfortunately I didn’t get one.
    The problem is I always dream about my future,I want To study next year I was Hoping if you can Offer Me with a bursary or a Loan So that I can go study.

    My dream is To become a POlice Man,I want to protect our community $ society.
    May you Please take My Letter seriously course I reli need your Help.

    If you won’t b able to borrow me a Loan or give me a study bursary please give me a Job,any job I have a drivers license code 10.

    Looking forward to hear from You.
    Personal email:

    To:Patrice Motsepe

    I’ve been always your Fan,I wanted To be your personal guard $ I’ve always dreamed to see you face to face But I couldn’t because I’m very Poor.

    Dear Sir I’m emailing you this Letter because I’m Need of your help.
    I’m a very young Talented,Dedicated,Poor and hardworking Person with the ability to give every Effort to my Tasks.I Need A school bursary to further my studies to become a police Man.

    I’m looking forward to hear from you.

  112. Calvin says:

    Said story but I’m also the same like you

  113. Lebogang Ambrose Molema says:

    Dumela ntate Motsepe le ba lapa la gago.Ke nna Lebogang Ambrose Molema mo Barkley West.Ka tiro ke truck driver mme toro go bua nnete ke batla go nna Trucking Businessman.Nthla yme ke gore ga kena le ha ele sepe go ka atlegisa toro eo.Mme ha o ne o ka mpotsa gore ke batlago simolola jang, ke ne ke kare ke tlhoka 500 cummins power ka trailer ya SA truck bodies.Ke be ke leka go ka bona contract ko nngweng ya di mines tsa Northern Cape jaaka UMK mine,Ncwaneng le tse dingwe.Makwalo a kgwebo jaaka Bulk transporting permits ke mo leaning la go a bona.Movgala wame ke 0798693670

  114. my contact details. 0

  115. hi am temosho mashile . I wrote this letter to you to seak a financiam i passed qrade 12 i would like to further my studies. I have a sinqle parent which is my mom she cannot afford to pay for my studies

  116. dear sir u r highly favored by god. For his blessing maketh and has no sorrow. What is it for a man then to drink and eat under the sun after all every thing perish wealth attracks good and evil people to help u enjoy wealth. Naked are we born so shall we return to earth. I ama profetional distance athlete in kimberly i m asking for sponsorship. In terms of running equipment transport financialy. My goal is to run the olympic marathon in twenty sixsteen. I knw u will help me thank u very much.

  117. sathekge thobakgale
    plz help me with a job

  118. Khutso says:

    Plz help me i am wiling to plæ soccer plz help me persue my dream my numba is 0783992757

    1. kgomotso says:

      Mr motsepe I also would like to thank you for everything you have done to this country.I will also like you to help me with founding me to future my studies I came from a poor family by I did study and got my diploma so now I have no money to future my studies can you kindly please help me

  119. isaac chauke says:

    no man this not the way of doing things.

  120. Since Sazuel was established, lack of fund, no jobs opportunities. Therefore, loans reject because there’s no income interests.Please may you help my company from this disaster? Only R1500 amount:

  121. avhapfani says:

    Good day.

    I am hereby requesting for your assistance.

  122. Gadga says:

    Mr Motsepe you brought positive life in and made see things in a different eye,is such an honour to write you a letter.Sir iwas reguesting you to help us build our Day care,please i invested my heart in it

  123. thabo says:

    I honour you Mr.motshepe



  125. Pule says:

    Do you ever run out of ideas for your columns? I suspect you write them while you are having cold oneS.

    1. I run out of cold ones quicker than I run out of ideas.

  126. Donal Slemon says:

    Thanks for enlightening me: I have often wondered why so many of our fine upstanding public figures (the male ones) have such well-developed right arms. I suspected it wasn’t from hefting buckets of Johnny Walker blue to their snouts. Now I know..

  127. Armand Schonfrucht says:

    As ever…..many thanks……your fan……Armand.

  128. annamarie Holderness says:

    Dear Ben having spent 2 months in Johannesburg I have to thank you for preparing me for the culture shock. I thank you and Ted and Brenda and JC le Roux

    1. You’re welcome. Glad I could help. I’ll pass the message on to Mr le Roux.

    2. freddie camante says:

      Dear Ben I have a friend her name is patrice motsepe he told me he can help to me to build a business on my country he give a bank chartered in he told me I pay a400$ to activate a bank.

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